Entreprises sociales
Créer des opportunités économiques en aidant des jeunes à reconnaître leurs compétences uniques et à les appliquer à des projets au sein de leurs communautés.

Hot Shoe Productions offers high-quality, professional video services at affordable prices for the non-profit sector.
Supported by Youth Ottawa & The Social Planning Council Of Ottawa, their team of talented, young creative professionals work with you to deliver your organization’s message in a professional, polished manner. At the same time, the team provides valuable work experience and training to youth in priority communities through our Youth Active Media program.
Visitez leur site web pour en savoir plus sur Hot Shoe Productions et sur la manière dont l'entreprise peuvent vous aider à raconter votre histoire.
Our clients

Alois Nashali
"Travailler avec YAM / Hot Shoes a toujours été une expérience formidable. Travailler avec des collègues partageant la même passion et faire l'expérience de l'énergie et de la motivation de chacun m'a toujours inspiré."
-Hot Shoe Productions

Reine Tejares
«J’ai eu tellement d’expériences positives et de confiance en moi en travaillant chez Youth Active Media et maintenant avec Hot Shoe. Non seulement j’ai développé mes compétences techniques en les enseignant à d’autres jeunes et en les utilisant pour des tournages de production pour des clients. Nous avons également développé mes compétences en leadership et en relations interpersonnelles avec le nombre de personnes avec lesquelles j'ai travaillé. "
-Hot Shoe Productions
Other Enterprises
Empower’em is an organization run by Women of Colour (WOC) to help WOC build confidence through personal and professional growth. Nayaelah Siddiqui was part of our 2020 Summer Amplified cohort after noticing a gap in the services offered in her community for Muslim women like herself. Soon, the organization would grow to include all women of colour.
Cuts for kids was created by Ibrahim Musa, who was inspired by his experiences growing up as a refugee and feeling different from his peers. From taking the scissors to his teddy bear’s fur and then his own hair, to creating this organization that provides young kids from low-income families with haircuts free of charge, he aims to help kids feel confident in themselves no matter what.
Run by another Summer Amplified alum, Abdul Muse, Woke Studios is a music company that provides Afro-diverse artists with opportunities to develop their skills, produce and promote their work.
As an award-winning Afro-soul artist known as KAR33M, Abdul creates narrative-style music inspired by his favourite genres like Afrobeat, Hip Hop, R&B and Soul.
Hope is Famous is created by one of our most recent Summer Amplified Fellows, Nathan MonPremier. The organization aims to spread a message of hope through their clothing, and has since partnered with the Salvation Army and has been recognized by the Orleans Star.