Celebrating black excellence
the Black legacy gala 2025

A Night of Legacy, Celebration, and Community.
On February 15, 2025, the Black Legacy Gala brought together young changemakers, community leaders, and allies for a night of empowerment, celebration, and connection. Hosted by Future Paths Network its visionary leaders Chanda Jones and Tolorunlogo Akinrinola, this event created a space where Black youth could celebrate their heritage, acknowledge the achievements of those who paved the way, and envision a powerful future.
Held at Sir John A. Macdonald Hall, the gala provided a platform for Black youth from across Ottawa to honor past and present trailblazers while embracing their own leadership potential. The event, inspired by a youth-driven desire to celebrate Black excellence, showcased Ottawa’s first Black-owned and operated Black History Month course, where students can earn high school credits in Afrocentric studies.
“The whole purpose behind the Black Legacy Gala was to make sure that youth felt empowered, that they could express themselves with their friends, their families, and most importantly, the community.” Chanda Jones – Founder of Future Paths Network.
The Black Legacy Gala Highlighted the Importance of Youth Driven Events
The Black Legacy Gala was a powerful example of youth leadership in action. This wasn’t an event created for young people, instead, it was designed by them from start to finish. Youth selected and organized the performers, including Immaculata’s dance troupe, they curated the guest list to include local MPs and city officials, and ensured that every detail reflected their vision of Black excellence. Students from both school boards (OCDSB, OCSB) were very active participants, engaging in discussions, networking with community leaders, and contributing to the event’s energy. Several young people from Youth Ottawa’s media and content creation programs were also part of the night, capturing meaningful moments through photography, videography, and interviews. For many of them, the experience of documenting the event was an opportunity to develop their storytelling skills, gain hands-on experience, and contribute to a movement centered on amplifying Black voices. More than just attendees, youth were the force behind the event’s success, proving that when given the opportunity, young people can lead with creativity, confidence, and impact.
Beyond the celebration, the gala encouraged a powerful momentum and reminded the community of the responsibility to listen. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Future Paths Network, the involvement of community sponsors, and participation of municipal leaders, youth left the event feeling empowered, and were able to bring back positive experiences to their schools and community. The Black Legacy Gala was not just a one-night gathering; it remains dedicated to the cause of empowering the voices of black youth, and giving youth the chance to take the lead, so real change can follow.
A Youth’s Perspective: Ruth’s Experience Behind the Lens at the Black Legacy Gala
My name is Ruth Ayalew and I am a tenth grade student at John McCrae Secondary School and three years ago, my ultimate seventh grade daydream was to become the type of person that attended galas and explored life beyond their comfort zone. So when I was invited to attend the Black Legacy Gala on February 15th, I jumped at the opportunity to fulfil a slightly younger me’s aspiration and promptly launch myself out of familiar territory.
On the way to the Black Legacy Gala I spent the entire thirty minute drive from Barrhaven practically numb with anxiousness as I vehemently regretted volunteering as photographer on behalf of Youth Ottawa’s OYC Media Hub. I was absolutely sure I wasn’t qualified enough due to my minimal experience. Even after I received a crash course review on camera function from my school’s technology teacher and dozens of words of reassurance from my family I was pretty much dead set on freaking out.
Nonetheless once cleared by security I entered the John Macdonald Hall and thus became a guest at the 2025 Black Legacy Gala.
My concern ebbed as my gaze lingered on the extravagant ballroom; all soaring roofs and elegant architecture. And at the beginning—once I had received the camera I was meant to photograph the event with—I just silently panicked. But after some hugely needed and very kindly given advice I began to ease into the craft.
I learned that photography was about perspective. And while the pictures I took weren’t flawless or the most professionally taken, they are taken through my eyes, in my point of view. And that change in perspective helped my relaxation and allowed me to just experiment.
And as I watched speakers, dancers and clothing models dawn the stage, while guests joked, spoke and laughed together, my previous concerns began to seem ridiculous.
All in all my experience was an opportunity that I am exceedingly grateful for. Not only did it fulfill my driving reasons for joining the OYC but it was an honor getting to celebrate the culture, innovation and hard work of fellow Black youth.
Working Together for Lasting Impact: A Bigger and Bolder 2026
The Black Legacy Gala was far from a one day event it was the continuation of an important need to empower black youth. Youth who attended are now returning to their schools inspired, and sharing their experiences with who are eager to understand how to better support Black students.
The event also provided real-world skill-building opportunities for those involved. Whether through event planning, sponsorship outreach, or media production, participating youth gained valuable experience that will serve them in future academic and career pursuits.
What’s Next? A Bigger & Bolder 2026
Following the success of the 2025 Black Legacy Gala, there is already demand for next year’s event—with bigger ambitions, a stronger network of collaborators, and even more opportunities for Black youth.
The ask? More funding and support.
“We need to continue funding Black youth. We need to continue creating spaces that empower and uplift them—not just during Black History Month, but all year round,” -Future Paths Network
Join Us in Supporting the Future of Black Youth in Ottawa
Youth Ottawa is proud to have played a role in making the Black Legacy Gala a success. We will continue to champion spaces where young people can express themselves, connect with their communities, and take charge of shaping their futures.
Want to be part of the movement? Support, Volunteer, or get involved with Youth Ottawa today!
Follow Youth Ottawa and Future Paths Network on social media for more updates and opportunities for Black youth in Ottawa.
Check out some photos from the Gallery!